A screenshot of Dean and Nala from the viral Facebook video.

Lost and Found

In one of those viral online videos, a man was riding his bicycle around the world when he came upon a cute little lost kitten that kept following him. His first thought was that he could not keep this cat. His goal was to ride around the world on his bicycle. He didn’t have time to care for the kitten. It would distract him from his goal. But the kitten kept following him. Eventually, the bond between them grew stronger and stronger, until he felt that he could not leave the cat behind. He even delayed his trip to care for the cat when it got sick. His goal eventually became to take care of the cat above riding around the world.

If you have goals in this world that take up your focus and time, you should realize that there is a loving God who is following you. He wants a relationship with you, and if you slow down and spend some time with Him, you will realize that your relationship with Him will grow. Your priorities will begin to change and you will discover that doing what pleases Him is more important than anything else in your life.

If this can happen with a kitten, imagine how much stronger the love and purpose will be in growing a relationship with the Lord.

— Sebastian Stroughter

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