Photo of a heart painted onto joined hands in an article about love on the Church of Christ Truthseekers SCCOC website

An Interesting Love for Each Other

Christians are commanded in Scripture to “love one another” (1 John 4:7). This “love” is the Greek agape love that unconditionally and unselfishly sets others above self. Christians are also to continue in “brotherly love” (Heb. 13:1). This “love” is the Greek Philadelphia love that emphasizes a tender affection to have for each other. But there is another love.

There is an interesting Greek word used in Romans 12:10. It is translated “kindly affectionate” (NKJV), “tenderly affectioned” (ASV), “devoted” (NASB) and “brotherly affection” (ESV). The Greek word, philostorgos, is a compound word combining philos, which means “friendly” and storge, which is the word used for “love of kindred” (i.e., love for family). Put that together and consider the implications–we are to have a tender and friendly love for each other as members of the same family.

Love above self. Love with tender affection. Love as a beloved family member.

— David Sproule

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