
NOTE: In light of the recent outburst by the Seattle defensive back, which won’t make Niners’ fans too happy, here is a good reminder from Doy Moyer’s Facebook page, with Colossians passage added — Mike
There was a time in my life when I was an athlete. I played baseball and football for several years. I wrestled. I understand how adrenaline can just about take over and turn us into something of a beast. We say and do things in the heat of a competitive moment that we might not otherwise say or do. When we win a big game, we have a kind of euphoria that takes over. I get it. I do. Trust me. I have some not-so-proud moments in my athletic history. (I won’t mention the time that I came out of a game, sat on the bench a couple of plays, then ran onto the field without my helmet to tackle the opposing quarterback who was coming my direction.) 
But we also recognize that no matter how big the game and no matter how important the play, there are still boundaries that ought not to be crossed. There are no excuses to be made for the coach who throws chairs or punches players (or runs out on a field to… never mind). Even the NFL has penalties they assess for too much celebration and unsportsmanlike conduct. Like it or not, these rules are there to keep things from escalating even more and getting out of hand. It makes sense. You really don’t want a riot involving guys that weigh 300 plus pounds and can bench press a Boeing 747. 
A man’s character is on display and known by the way he treats and talks of others. No one wants to be a poor ***, but it is even more egregious to be a poor winner. Everyone can appreciate the class of a person who graciously accepts defeat, as well as the one who graciously enjoys victory, too. 
Christians should learn a little from sports (cf. 1 Cor 9:24-27). How we engage our battle is critical (Eph 6:10-18). Our characters are on display. If we whine and complain about being mistreated, what are we showing our character to be, especially when our Lord was as a lamb led to slaughter? Likewise, when we enjoy a cultural victory, do we obnoxiously ram it down the throat of the world in mockery? 
Spiritually, then, we need to be good sports. We’ve earned nothing in this victory in Christ, for it is God who wins the battle. Yet, we enjoy the fruits of the victory. To what end? So that we can share the same victory with a world in dire need of Jesus and His forgiveness. How we display the victory in Christ will also put our own character on display. Let’s show Him well.
5 Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. 6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. (Col. 4:5-6). 
—Doy Moyer

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